Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is not a musical genius, at least not like Freddie Mercury nor Mozart were.
While her music might sound basic and even mundane, never venturing into anything truly original, there lies an enigmatic allure about her. Yes, we might agree on her lack of groundbreaking musicality, but then what is her secret? Is it because of her striking looks or sensuality? Is it because of her relatable lyrics?
Although she’s all that, that is not what makes her unique.

A confession is due. I entertained the idea of banning her from the streaming platforms I use, mainly because it didn’t seem fair to many other great musicians overshadowed by the zenith of popularity that Taylor Swift is seemingly taking from them. However I simply couldn’t do it! Is it because I’ll miss her music? I don’t think so. The issue here is even stranger; I think I would miss Taylor Swift herself! Listening to her music is an intimate experience, at least for me. Listening to her is like spending time with a friend, it transcends the elusive boundaries of idolatry, it’s a personal resonance above the ethereal artistic acclaim.

So why is Taylor Swift so loved? Perhaps it extends beyond her music, even if that is all you know about her. So, if you want to maintain your grudge against Taylor Swift, please abstain from the enchantment of her performances, as she might weave a spell to win you over too!

Anjo da música (ou Sol)

Numa manhã difícil, esse anjo da música veio fazer-me cafuné com a voz.

Às vezes, para me acompanhar na escrita, gosto de ter música de fundo. Não escolhi; deixei que os circuitos electrónicos de um computador o fizessem por mim aleatoriamente. Deram-me de presente o “Ponto de Luz” da Sara Tavares.

Nunca me tinha ocorrido que as bênçãos pudessem vir sob a forma de megabytes, mas a verdade é que nunca manhã difícil esse anjo da música veio fazer-me cafuné com a voz.

Obrigado Sara Tavares, és um Sol.


O primeiro passo para ser alguma coisa é fazê-lo.
Se queres ser maratonista, começa a correr.
Se queres ser escritor escreve.
Se queres ser bom, pratica a bondade.
Se queres ser cantor, canta

Não tens que ser recordista mundial,
nem o Shakespeare,
nem a Madre Teresa de Calcutá,
nem o Salvador Sobral

no entanto todos eles têm algo em comum,